Here are the requested parameters for testing the Gadget Saver bags.

1. A bowl of clean water will be needed.

2. The phones that you test are to enable any company to supply a bag with every insurance policy hence the tests should be on NEW phones and this would ensure the variables such as good working order and charged up with all functions working.

3. Drop in to water bowl for ten seconds.

4. Remove device from liquid and where possible remove sim card, battery, memory card etc. Do not press any buttons or attempt to power device on or off.

5. Dry with supplied lint free cloth all excess liquid.

6. Pop the device into the Gadget Saver bag along with the Gadget Saver absorbency pack® and gently expel all air and reseal bag. Place the leave the sealed package laid flat for best results.

7. Leave the device in the bag for a minimum of 8 to 12 hours or over night.

8. Remove the device from the bag and put all the parts back together - sim, chip, battery etc and then CHARGE the device up for 4 hours to charge both the main battery and internal battery as they will have fully discharged.

9. Power the device on and the device should power on as normal.

If the device does not power up, replace the device in the Gadget Saver bag for a further drying period of 8 hours and repeat steps 7-9 above.