Press Release
Gadget Saver Limited,
Ireland 01 January 2019
For Immediate Release
Press Release:
Gadget Saver® launches unique new products to Market
Gadget Saver Limited, a start up Irish company based in Dublin which has developed over the last fifteen months two new products to dry out your wet portable electronic devices. Gadget Saver has filed a patent application and have patent pending for both their products.
The Gadgetsaver® can be used to quickly and safely restore handheld battery or solar powered electronic devices which have been affected by accidental submersion in water, liquid ingression, humidity, perspiration, splashes, rainfall, and beverages. Gadget saver is designed to quickly and safely extract moisture from electronic devices including Mobile phones, MP3 players, ipods, Hand Held Game Consoles, Car Remotes, Hearing Aids, Earphones, Cameras, Medical Testing Kits, TV Remotes, Sat Nav’s, PDA’S, Tablet PC’s, eBook Readers, portable electronic tools, Children’s & Adults’ toys affected by water ingression before circuitry corrosion sets in.
Available in two sizes;
Gadget Saver® SMALL; (for smaller devices up to 10x18cm ) including All Mobile Phones,MP3 Players, Watches, Bluetooth Headsets, Car remotes, Hearing Aids, Earphones, Small Cameras, USB Memory Sticks & Small Medical Testing Kits.
Gadget Saver® MEDIUM; (for larger devices up to 24x18cm) including Tablet PC’s, eBook Readers, TV Remotes, PDA’s, Sat Nav’s, Handheld Games, Cameras, Walkie talkies, Cordless Phones, Medical Testing Kits, Headphones, Children’s & Adults’ Toys.