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Instructions on How to use the Gadget Saver

Instructions on How to use the Gadget Saver

 Instructions for use;

SMALL Gadget Saver Device (for smaller devices up to 10x18 cm).

( if your device is a little bigger than the outer Gadget Saver bag, don't worry. You can use a Zip Lock or Grip-A-Seal bag and put the Gadget Saver Absorbency ® Pack along with the wet device into the Zip lock bag, push out any excess air, seal it and leave it alone...Follow time guidelines below to not open the packet until enough time has passed to dry out your product...if you open it too soon and your wrong , you will have to start the process again.)

MEDIUM Gadget Saver Device (for larger devices up to 24x18 cm)

Thank you for purchasing the Gadget Saver device.

Don’t panic, we know you need or cherish your electronic device and its data. Remove all the contents from the Gadget Saver bag. Now follow the easy steps set out below;

1. If the device is powered off, leave it off. If the device has a removable battery, please remove it now. Remove any sim cards and memory cards if applicable. Devices with non removable batteries, just power the device off.

2. The type of liquid that caused your accident is very important. If it was water, proceed directly to the next step. However, if the liquid has a sticky content we suggest you submerge your device briefly in a bowl of clean water (distilled water works best or boil some tap water and let it go cold) for approximately 5 seconds or until all air bubbles have stopped. Remove device, let the water drain out before proceeding to the next step.

3. Use the supplied lint free cleaning cloth and gently soak up any excess liquid from the affected device. Use the supplied cotton swabs to gently dry & clean any exposed contacts. These swabs can also be used to dry & clean any difficult area like the screen & keypad.

4. Now place the affected device along with the detached battery (sim & memory cards if applicable) and the Gadget Saver Absorbency Pack® back into the Gadget Saver bag. For Gadget Saver MEDIUM Device  Unfold the black internal bag and place the affected device along with the detached battery (sim & memory cards if applicable) and the Gadget Saver Absorbency Pack® into the supplied resealable black bag.

5. Reseal the bag, gently expelling any excess air. We recommend you leave the device in the Gadget Saver bag for a minimum of 24 hours.for small devices and 48hours for larger devices…just to be sure! ( mp3 players 8 hours) 

After a minimum of 24 hours / 48hours for larger, remove your device from the Gadget Saver bag; reattach the battery and any applicable accessories. Now power the device up. Another gadget saved by Gadget Saver!

Hints & Tips

If your device does not power up after use of the Gadget Saver Package,

Try the following;

1. We recommend you replace your device in the Gadget Saver Package for a further 24 hours and power up then.

2. If the device still does not power, you may need to replace your device’s main battery. Batteries can easily become terminally damaged on contact with liquid. So try a new battery. 


We strongly suggest you always have a Gadget Saver Device to hand just in case!  We recommend you have one in the home, the Car, the Office, your toolbox, your sports kit and should be an essential item for your holiday. 

Regular use of the Gadget Saver Device can improve the performance and prolong the working life of your everyday gadgets. It’s great to use on earphones, hearing aids, Cameras, Mp3 players etc to improve performance, prevent corrosion setting in, particularly in extreme climatic conditions like high rainfall, temperature and humidity. The Gadget Saver Device can rapidly remove liquids, perspiration & splashes from your Gadgets.

The Gadget Saver Device can provide extra protection if you place your Gadget  into it and reseal the package fully  before undertaking outdoor pursuits like boating, fishing, sailing or even a day at the pool or beach.

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